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Stormwater Runoff

A primary source of drinking water for the Valley is stormwater runoff. When it rains, stormwater runoff, flows into stormwater inlets, and is captured in basins where it recharges (helps replace) the groundwater that we pump to use as drinking water.

Protect Your Water, It's Just Beneath Your Feet.

Many people don't know that litter and pollution from our streets can wind up in storm drain inlets. Litter causes big problems when it flows down the gutter! While storm drains are meant to carry rain water, any litter that ends up in them can flow into our stormwater basins and other bodies of water. The average person creates about 5 pounds of garbage every day, so be sure to pick up any litter you see and dispose of it properly. It helps keep our water clean and our environment safe!



Water is pumped from the groundwater aquifer by wells, treated if necessary, and then delivered to our homes and businesses


A form of water, such as rain, snow, or hail, that condenses from the atmosphere, becomes too heavy to remain suspended, and falls to the Earth's surface. The water either soaks into the ground or becomes stormwater runoff when it does not soak into the ground. (Impervious surfaces)

Impervious surfaces

Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures - such as streets, sidewalks, driveways and parking lots that are covered by materials such as asphalt and concrete that does not allow water to pass through .



During the rainy season, stormwater runoff that exceeds basin capacity is released into the San Joaquin River and local canals.

Snow Melt

During the summer, snow melt runoff is drawn from local canals and into stormwater basins, where it percolates through the soil and back into the aquifer to help recharge our ground water supply.

Fresno Water Level

The population in the Valley keeps growing, which means more people, using more water than we can replace, especially in years when we get less than our average rainfall. Conserve water whenever possible!


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